Understanding Visual Culture; Visual Culture

Exercise 1.5. “Reflecting on Searle`s observation at the beginning of this chapter, how would you explain the difference between the construction of social reality and the social construction of the reality”.

As Thomas Luckmann and Peter Berger suggested in their book “The Social Construction of the Reality,” humans and human interaction create the society, which is a habitualization because actions are repeated frequently, becoming a pattern. We construct our reality, and we accept it because many elements of social reality have been created before us; “Society is, in fact, habit”. So “construction of social reality “is basically all types of humans` activity in this world: all material and not material products and processes we are involved in our lifetime. Construction of social reality is “… the processes whereby people continuously create, through their actions and interactions, a shared reality that is experienced as objectively factual and subjectively meaningful”.
“Social construction of the reality” is just one part of the reality of humans’ existence. We exist in an environment that consists of objective and subjective elements. Objective elements of objective reality are everything that has been existing around us independently, like mountains, cosmos, everything that was NOT created by humans and is given. Subjective reality is everything that exists because of human activity. “Social reality is not natural and is not inevitable.” Below I put it as presented in a lecture given by Dr. Dennis Hiebert, Professor of Sociology at Providence University College and editor of Journal of Sociology and Christianity; it is very informative and well-structured learning material. He explains the “social reality” in a very comprehensive way: “social reality” is one of the four types of a reality we exist in such as 1)” natural realities which are not dependent on human mental activities, 2) personal realities-beliefs held by persons and real only to those who hold them; 3) social realities are beliefs that are shared and have been institutionalised; 3) other institutionalized be known; can only be postulated”.
As a conclusion for this question, I can say that the “construction of social reality” is a process, and the “social construction of reality” is one type of reality humans exist within.

Bibliography: 1) “The Construction of Social Reality’ by John R. Searle reviewed by Klaus Krippendorff, 1996, Annenberg School of communications, University of Pennsylvania, http://www.repository.upenn.edu; 2) “Social Construction of Reality” article on http://www.courses.lumenlearning.com; 3) “What does the Social Reality Mean? By Dr Dennis Hiebert, “Providence” YouTube channel;

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